Creating a Food Journal

Creating a Food Journal?

  1. Write it down – if it goes in your mouth, put it on paper. Accountability makes you think twice!
  1. Plan for balance – each meal should contain:
    1. Carbs – starches and fruits are both carb foods. One serving of either contains 15 grams of carbs.
      (Example – 1 slice of bread, or a small apple)
    2. Protein – protein is the best choice, but healthy fats can be used as well. They both slow down carb digestion and help keep blood sugar level and help a meal stay with you longer. One serving of protein has 7 grams of protein.
      (Example – 1 ounce of meat or cheese has 7 grams of protein)
    3. Fat – not required in EVERY meal, but should be eaten throughout the day. Little or no fat is appropriate before and after workouts. Evenly space fats through each meal or snack. Fat helps to slow the absorption of carbs. Many animal products include fat, so watch for it! (Example – 1 teaspoon of olive oil is 1 fat serving. One ounce of mozzarella cheese, which has 1 protein serving, also has 5 grams of fat, or 1 fat serving)
    4. Produce – fruit or veggie – the fiber, vitamins and minerals and antioxidants are essential for proper body function. Don’t leave them out, or leave them until last! Fiber slows down carb absorption; antioxidants slow down damage to the body from artificial ingredients in foods, preservatives, etc.
    5. Water – we often confuse thirst for hunger. Water aids digestion as well. Our bodies are over 60% water – and even more, the more muscle we have!
  1. Measure – it’s easy to get too much or to little of something. Measure it so you are accurate.
  1. Plan ahead – look at your day, pack a lunch or prepare a dinner to last 2 days so you can get the right things to eat when you need them.