Designing Summer VII


So today I want to walk through some ideas for healthy food that’s easy to put together and easy to bring with you throughout the day.

The SIMPLEST food can possibly be I think is rice cakes, almonds, and canned chicken or tuna. Although it might be a little boring, I suggest keeping some of these in your car or office at all times as “back-up” food to make sure you can easily meet macros wherever you are.

But some more interesting ideas:


  • Cold Oatmeal: oats and water or milk in a jar the night before, add fruit, cinnamon, Splenda, honey, or nuts. In the morning you have a super easy and delicious breakfast and you don’t have to cook anything. Bonus: add egg whites for protein or flavor it savory instead of sweet. Try different flavors for each day of the week!


  • Salad-in-a-Jar: layer all of your salad mix-ins in a jar starting with dressing, protein, and other wet ingredients, and end with leafy greens and nuts on top. Now you have a very refreshing and satisfying meal packed into a small space. Try different vegetable-protein-nut-fruit combinations, or add rice/quinoa.


  • Low-Carb Trail Mix: Trail mix is a great snack, but normally much too high in fat and carbs, and low in protein. Instead, here’s my idea: popcorn, turkey jerkey, and almonds. This way you are much fuller with much less calories than normal trail mix. Depending on your allowed macros, you can add dried fruit, candy, or other nuts.


  • Spaghetti Squash Pasta: If you cook the squash early and keep it in the fridge, you can make a low-carb pasta dish super quick and easy. You can add vegetables and make “pasta salad”, chicken alfredo “pasta”, “spaghetti” and meatballs… you name it! Whether you have microwave access or not, you still have a wonderful meal and don’t have to splurge on the macros!

I made all of these so you can see what they look like and I can tell you how much time a whole day of planning really takes!


SO anyway here’s what I made (video’s on Facebook): cold oatmeal, salad in a bag, rice cakes and jerkey for snack, and spaghetti squash pasta. The entire meal prep took about an hour including cooking the squash… so much less than if I had already cooked everything. Incredible isn’t it? And so easy to bring with you anywhere you go!