So what exactly IS Body Building? Volume VI




Final 10 days before the competition… where everything really gets crazy. Here’s a play-by play:

We started with increasing sodium to draw in water for the first couple days, so we are taking a salt tablet with every meal now. The idea of salt and fluid deprivation is a myth… how will your muscles look full if you don’t actually draw water into them?

SATURDAY: Today was rough. We originally thought we would start increasing carbs today, but after 2 high carb meals, we suddenly got switched back to low carbs to make sure we get lean enough for next weekend. Sooooooo now we all have between 20 and 50 carbs left for 4 more meals…..

MONDAY: The HIGHEST high carb day. Today was fantastic! Pancakes, strawberries, cereal, chocolate milk, and a tiny bit of ice cream. Everyone was in a good mood. So from now until Thursday we start decreasing carbs until the day we’ve all been dreading… LOW CARB DAY.

TUESDAY: Waxing! So painful but now I’m finally not a sasquatch anymore.

WEDNESDAY: Hair color this morning! Nails Tonight! I spent all the rest of the day packing and cooking for the competition so hopefully I didn’t forget anything…

THURSDAY: Tiny meals…. None of us can be around each other for more than a few minutes because no one has any patience or brain function.  Also round one of spray tanning today so now there’s no sweating aloud hahaaaaa.

FRIDAY: YEEEEEAAAAAHHHHHH off to Chicago!!!!!! We’re not doing anything all day now! Just a 20min workout and Netflix/Sleeping all day. I took a couple pictures so make sure you check them out.

TOMORROW: Tomorrow’s the big day! We have food planned out every 2 hours through the entire day, whether it’s steak and a banana, eggs and sweet potatoes, or a pre-stage Reese’s (that we’re all secretly looking forward too) I thought about posting this tomorrow with some commentary on the show but I know I won’t want to write anything while we’re at the show. Of COURSE there will be TONS of pictures to be posted tomorrow to showcase the entire day, don’t worry.


Here’s a couple pictures from today… just being lazy. The third is Becky napping (just ignore that it’s backwards), and the last is our entire workout haha. It’s been a pretty good day. Tune in to Facebook tomorrow for competition pictures and sometime next week for a final blog post!
